We’ve been working towards our road safety badge in Cubs. On Friday 2nd November we did the “classroom work” and on Friday 9th November we went on a road safety walk.
If “your Cub” wasn’t with us on Friday 2nd November when we completed the first part of the badge work he/she may like to do this “homework” which will enable them to catch up and receive the badge when the other Cubs get theirs.
To earn the badge, Cubs need to be familiar with how to behave in a car, how to cross the road safely (using the Green Cross Code and crossing in sensible places). As well as this they need to be familiar with road signs, we covered part of this last week, but we did it again on our walk.
To help your Cub earn his/her badge, it would be great if you could print out the attached documents and ask your cub to:
· Read the Green Cross Code and check that they know it DOWNLOAD – GreenCrossCode
· Know the four crossing types DOWNLOAD – Crossing types
· Draw a map of their “safe walking route to school” to bring into Cubs. Alternatively, If they go in a car, draw a map from the car park to the school avoiding obvious hazards if this is appropriate. DOWNLOAD – My safe route to school
· Complete the Road Safety Quiz and hand it in to me or Matt (Akela). DOWNLOAD – RoadsafetyQuiz-NoAnswers