To obtain their Outdoor Challenge badges, Cub Scouts need to spend two nights away with the pack, learn two new outdoor skills and complete three outdoor activities. Most Cubs find this easy, but sometimes struggle to complete one final task to earn their badge…… the “Camp Review”
Details of the Outdoor Challenge badge requirements are on the Scout Association website, they include the “Camp Review”.
Some Cubs can find it hard to do the “Review”. At Badge Camp last year some Cubs used PowerPoint to talk about their camp experiences, whilst other Cubs made posters.
Camp Review
Explain to other Cub Scouts what activity you enjoyed most while on the residential experience and what activity you found hardest. This could be in the form of a poster, story, photographs or similar.
The links below may give your Cubs ideas to complete their diary if they’re struggling for inspiration. 🙂
Aidan and Connor’s Camp Diary
Jack’s Camp Diary
Joe and Gabriel’s Camp Diary
Seb’s Camp Diary